Acne typically affects the areas where there is the densest population of sebaceous glands.

Corns is a non-infectious and non-transmissible autoimmune skin condition that can be both baffling and persistent.

Skin Tags
Skin tags typically affect the areas where there is the densest population of sebaceous glands.

Skin Allergies
Skin infections typically affect the areas where there is the densest population of sebaceous glands.

Vitiligo treatment typically affects the areas where there is the densest population of sebaceous glands.

Psoriasis typically affects the areas where there is the densest population of sebaceous glands.

Pigmentation is a non-infectious and non-transmissible autoimmune skin condition that can be both baffling persistent.

Keloid is a non-infectious and non-transmissible autoimmune skin condition that can be both baffling and persistent.

Skin Infections
Skin infections typically affect the areas where there is the densest population of sebaceous glands.

Hair Dye Allergy
Hair Dye Allergy is a non-infectious and non-transmissible autoimmune skin condition that can be both baffling and persistent.