What are
Skin Tags?
These are non-cancerous growths (made up of blood vessels and collagen) found on the skin. A small, thin stalk called a peduncle connects it to the skin. Skin tags are normally smaller than 2mm in size, but some might grow to several centimetres. They are soft and painless to touch.
They can either be
- Smooth and round
- Threadlike resembling rice grains
- Wrinkly and asymmetrical
Their colour can vary from being flesh-coloured to becoming darker than the surrounding skin. Twisting a skin tag can make it darker due to the obstruction of blood flow.They occur in both genders and can appear anywhere on the body.
They are usually found in
- Armpits
- Groin
- Neck
- Thighs
- Eyelids
- Area under the breast
Our treatment result
Causes of
Skin Tags
The exact cause of the occurrence of skin tags is still vague. Some of the causes that are attributed to their occurrence are:
- Friction.
- Resistance to insulin leading to Type 2 diabetes and prediabetes.
- Occurrence is more common in Pregnancy.
- Hormonal imbalance has been found to be the cause in rare cases.
- Though it is genetic, not everyone at the same family is affected.